Free Riverfront Zumba & Yoga!

We are happy to announce the beginning of free public exercise classes in Essex County Riverfront Park.

Starting Monday, July 9, and continuing throughout the month, free yoga classes will be offered every Monday and free Zumba sessions will be offered every Tuesday. Both classes take place in the Meadow, reached by entering the park at Raymond and Brill and walking to the right towards the river. Participants should arrive 15 minutes before class begins, and yoga participants should bring a mat or blanket.

Free Public Riverfront Yoga & Zumba
Yoga: Monday nights, 6-7 pm (July 9, 16, 23, 30)
Zumba: Tuesday nights, 6-7 pm (July 10, 17, 24, 31)

Organized by Newark Riverfront Revival, Ironbound Community Corporation, Friends of Riverfront Park, and Essex County Parks System.